
Instructions Following Implant Surgery

Instructions Following Implant Surgery



1. As you leave the office and when you arrive home, use a cold ice pack on your face next to the operated area. This will keep the swelling down (we will provide the ice pack). Keep the cold pack on for 20 minutes, then off for 20 minutes. Repeat this sequence for 6 to 8 hours. You may have swelling in the area for a couple of days following surgery. If the swelling is severe and/or you feel feverish, please call.

2. Drink plenty of cool fluids. We strongly suggest to pick up a smoothie, shake, or malt on the way home, but use a spoon. We also suggest in between meals to drink plenty of fluids such as ice water, ice tea, protein shake, smoothie, or malt. You may also have a bowl of ice cream or yogurt without any nuts or chunks. Do not skip a meal! Having a lot of fluids and calories will help control inflammation, so you have less pain and speed healing. Avoid hot foods and drinks (warm is ok) for at least one full day.

3. Avoid smoking for as long as possible, but for at least 12 hours. Avoid alcoholic beverages for at least 2 full days. Both of these items are best avoided altogether as they interfere with blood clotting and healing.

4. Please limit your physical activities following surgery. Do not over exert yourself on the day of surgery ( heavy yard work, jogging, aerobics, etc.). You should be able to return to your normal routine the day after surgery. However, remember that your body should be spending most of its energy on healing.

5. Most people do not have pain after surgery. The Ibuprofen 800mg is prescribed for you to take every 6-8 hours. This prescription is prescribed to manage inflammation and should be completed regardless of pain/soreness. We recommend that you start this just before the numbness wears off. This should control the swelling and inflammation in conjunction with the prescribed Medrol Dose Pack. When necessary, you can also take the prescription pain pills according to the directions. If the pain persists or becomes severe, please call.

6. You may have slight bleeding or a pink color to your saliva the rest of the day. In order to allow for necessary clotting to begin at the surgical site, it is essential that you DO NOT spit. Holding small amounts of ice water in your mouth will usually stop any slight oozing. However, if there is excessive bleeding the day of or continual bleeding the day after surgery, call for instructions.

7. Take all of the medications given or prescribed for you as directed. They have been given to you for very important reasons. The only type of medicine that you do not have to finish, is the pain medication. Take that only if you need it as explained above. Take all medication with food unless otherwise stated.

8. You may eat most foods, but common sense suggests that you should eat softer foods, take smaller bites, and chew only in the areas where surgery was not performed. Avoid hard foods that require heavy pressure for chewing. Discontinue ALL sharp & hard foods such as nuts, popcorn, potato chips, etc., for the duration of your healing over the next 3 to 4 months. Food supplements such as Boost, Ensure, Carnation Instant Breakfast may be helpful; but a strictly liquid diet is not required. Avoid acidic food and beverages such as carbonated drinks, orange juice, tomato juice, tomato sauce, citric fruits, ect. for the first two weeks following implant surgery.

9. Starting the day OF surgery, brush and floss you other teeth as usual (not the operated area). Rinsing with warm salt water will help to clean the treated area and aid in healing. Do this after meals and at bedtime. To make the warm salt water rinse, mix one teaspoon of salt with an 6 ounce glass of very warm tap water. Do not use water hot enough to burn your mouth. Discontinue the use of other mouth rinses, unless you have been advised that they DO NOT contain alcohol, which slows down the healing process.

10. Most sutures that we use are resorbable. They will start to breakdown and fall out in about 7 to 10 days. The sutures need to stay in as long as possible to secure the site. Do not play with them with your tongue, doing so will speed up the breakdown process. If we place sutures that are non-resorbable you will be informed and an appointment will be made for the removal.

11. Depending on your individual case you may have a temporary appliance (flipper, Essex, partial, or denture) to wear over the implant site. In all cases, BEFORE you can wear the appliance it MUST be delivered and ADJUSTED by your general dentist. Flipper,

Essex or Partial patients:

If at any time the flipper, Essex or partial becomes uncomfortable, painful to wear, or if you feel like it is applying pressure to the implant sites, you must immediately discontinue wearing it until you are seen by your general dentist to adjust. Patients that wear a flipper, Essex or partial need to remove appliance every night prior to going to sleep. Wear your appliance while you eat, unless otherwise specified by Dr. Mazratian.

Denture patients:

If your denture becomes uncomfortable, painful to wear, or feel it is putting pressure on your implants, you need to contact our office ASAP for instructions. If you have your own natural teeth or a denture on the opposite arch that touches the implants while you are NOT wearing your denture, you MUST wear your denture at night during sleep. YOU MUST WEAR YOUR DENTURE WHILE YOU EAT.

12. If you were given special instructions regarding a particular procedure, please refer to them for care of that area.

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