
Dental Implant Multimedia

Dental Implant Multimedia

Dental implants are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.


The person who has lost teeth regains the ability to eat virtually anything and can smile with confidence, knowing that teeth appear natural and that facial contours will be preserved.

The implants themselves are titanium and anchors that are placed into the jawbone where teeth are missing. The bone bonds with the titanium, creating a strong foundation for artificial teeth. In addition, implants can help preserve facial integrity, preventing the bone deterioration that occurs when teeth are missing.

Dental implants are changing the way people live! With them, people are rediscovering the comfort and confidence to eat, speak, laugh and enjoy life.

Dr. Mazratian has received extensive training in Implantology. He has been successfully placing implants since 1997.

Utilizing his extensive training, in most cases, Dr. Mazratian is able to place Single Stage Implants. This allows him to place the dental implant the same day that he extracts the tooth. The main advantage is patients only go through ONE surgical procedure. It is not indicated or right for every patient since it requires particular characteristics and quality of bone as well as a patient that is committed to maintaining excellent oral hygiene.

Single Tooth Replacement

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Implants are changing the way people live. They are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

If you need a single extraction or missing a single tooth, one implant and one crown can replace it. The dental implant replaces the root and your general dentist attaches the crown( the visible tooth). In addition to looking and functioning like a natural tooth, a dental implant replaces a single tooth without sacrificing the health of neighboring teeth.

If you are missing several teeth, implant-supported bridges may be an option. Dental implants will replace your missing tooth roots and your general dentist will place the restorations(the visible teeth) on them. Dental implants provide several advantages over other teeth replacement options. In addition to looking and functioning like natural teeth, implant-supported bridges replace teeth without support from adjacent natural teeth. Other common treatments for the loss of several teeth, such as fixed bridges or removable partial dentures, are dependent on support from adjacent teeth. In addition, because implant-supported bridges will replace some of your tooth roots, your bone is better preserved. With a fixed bridge or removable partial denture, the bone that previously surrounded the tooth root may begin to resorb and deteriorate. Dental implants integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep the bone healthy and intact.

Replacing Several Teeth


Implants for Denture Patients

The goal of modern dentistry is to return patients oral health to normal form and function. The partial and complete edentulous patient may be unable to recover normal function, esthetics, comfort, or speech with a traditional removable prosthesis. A denture may reduce a patients function by 60% compared with the natural dentition, however an implant overdenture may return function to near normal limits. The esthetics of the denture patient are also affected as a result of bone loss. Once teeth are removed, your bone begins to atrophy. This will lead to irreversible facial changes. However, an implant stimulates the bone and maintains its dimension just like your natural teeth. Also, the implant overdenture does not rest on the tissue, thus preventing the pain and inflammation caused by the standard denture constantly rubbing on the ridge. The implant overdenture snaps onto the dental implants, relieving the tissue and securing the denture so that it does not move.Dr. Mazratian is a surgeon and our office is responsible for the surgical procedure and the patients general dentist is responsible for any and all restoration(s) needed or required

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